Forfaits mobiles pour entreprises

Data usage calculator

Need help choosing a data plan?

This interactive calculator helps you find the rate plan or data feature that best suits your usage.

Pick a device and then drag the slider bars to see approximately how much data you need.

Select your device:

Tell us how much of what's listed here you think you'll use:
Usage per unit
Estimated total

0.00 MB
0.02 MB
Web pages
Web pages
0.00 MO
0.17 MO
Instant messages
0.00 MB
0.03 MB
Streaming video
0.00 MB
1 MB
Song downloads
0.00 MB
4 MB
App/game downloads
0.00 MB
4 MB
Your estimated monthly usage is: 0.00 MB (0 GB)
Data usage varies by device and other factors and the above examples are estimates only.
1 MB = 1,024 KB; 1 GB = 1,024 MB. Photos, text emails and web page sizes vary widely.

Important information about data usage:

The following activities also require data usage from your cellular service. However, they are not included in the estimate provided by the data calculator:

  • Tethering (sharing your mobile data connection with a computer via USB cable)
  • Wi-Fi hotspot (sharing your mobile data connection with other devices via Wi-Fi)

These activities can use large amounts of data. Additional charges will apply if you exceed the amount of data included in your rate plan and/or data feature. No data is used from your cellular service if you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network.